Announcing the winner of our '33% more cheer' early bird giveaway!

"It's the most wonderful time of the year..."
The holiday season is an incredible time to focus on family, friends and generosity. For many charitable organisations across Aotearoa New Zealand, Christmas is considered their busiest fundraising season. At Supergenerous, we wanted to amplify the giving season even further with our 33% more cheer campaign.
Between 1 October and 31 December, we are keeping track of all donors who sign up with our online service. The organisation that is first to reach 250 signups will receive a donation of $5,000, courtesy of Supergenerous. But, that's not all! We're also giving $1,000 to all organisations that can sign up 100 donors, and $200 to all organisations that sign up 25 donors.
There's truly something for everyone... even the donors who sign up!
Our early bird iPad giveaway
To encourage more donors to sign up early, we've come up with a special giveaway: All donors who sign up to Supergenerous between 1 October and 30 November were entered into a draw to WIN a 10.2-inch iPad! And today, we're announcing the winner...
(insert drumroll here)
Congratulations to Kathleen K., the lucky winner from Ranui, Auckland! We will be contacting you today to get your details so you can claim your prize.
It's not too late to sign up with Supergenerous and help your favourite charities get closer to receiving an extra holiday donation from Supergenerous!
Sign up today: