Charity Profile Series – Gail Rotherham, Tim Bray Theatre Company

For our latest Charity Profile, we spoke to the amazing Gail Rotherham who is the Business Development Manager at Tim Bray Theatre Company. With the mission of igniting the creative minds of tomorrow through children’s theatre, the company recently won the prestigious Arts Access Creative New Zealand Arts For All Award for their pioneering work in accessibility. As a driving force behind this work, Gail shared some of the exciting work the for purpose business has coming up and what has given her hope during this lockdown.
How long have you been working in the not-for-profit sector?
Nearly 10 years now.
What made you want to work for a charity?
I enjoyed working on fundraising events, and whilst studying I interned for a children’s charity and quickly realized that I wanted to work in this space. I was motivated to make a difference for a cause that delivered outcomes for children, however it needed to be positive and have a real feel-good factor.
What’s the biggest misconception about charities or working for a charity that you hear?
The term ‘not for profit’ indicates that charities should not make any profit when, in reality, a charity cannot grow its delivery of programmes nor be sustainable without making a profit. I prefer the term ‘for purpose, for profit sector’.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Tim Bray Theatre Company?
Having conversations with donors and listening to why they have chosen to make a gift to support our cause. Equally, seeing first-hand the impact our Gift a Seat™ and Youth Theatre programmes have on our tamariki.
What exciting initiatives/appeals are coming up for Tim Bray Theatre Company for the rest of the year?
We are working on developing a new digital strategy and doing a lot of experiential social media campaigns right now. As a Covid response and not being able to deliver live shows we’ve developed an online product Greedy Cat - Online to create another fundraising stream. Tim Bray Theatre Company are celebrating 30 years this year and are gearing up to launch an online fundraiser 30for30 in November. Watch this space - #30for30
In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that charities in New Zealand face?
COVID 19 has been a massive challenge for the sector in so many ways - not being able to run or plan to run any physical fundraising events or deliver our programmes and some revenue streams have stopped until we open up again. It’s been disheartening seeing months of planning and ticket sales for our shows vanish in front of us. It’s very difficult for the staff and the communities that charities serve right now.
What gives you hope for the future of charitable giving?
In the midst of the pandemic last year, we ran a successful crisis appeal and have also seen giving increase this year. This gives me hope for the future and shows me that people have good hearts and are happy to donate to support a local NZ charity that they have a connection with.
Did you know you can make your donations to Tim Bray Theatre Company go even further by signing up to Supergenerous and choosing to regift your donation rebate? It’s an awesome way to extend your generosity and help them continue their awesome mahi. You can also claim and regift your donation rebates for any donation you have made over the past four years to a registered charitable organisation in New Zealand. Every bit counts, especially during times of lockdown.